
Industry-focused Solution: Retail Services

  •  E-Commerce Platform :
    B2C Model, B2B2C Model, O2O Model
    (Food Delivery)
  • Membership & Marketing Platform :
    Loyalty programs, member privileges and
    omnichannel cross selling will be conducted
    across a rang of customer touch points
    (Point of Sale, E-commerce portal, Mobile App,
    Kiosk, Service Ciergo)

IIndustry-focused Solution: Financial Services

  • FinTech on Cloud : This solution enables Fintech companies to delegate infrastructure management to the cloud, facilitating faster go-to-market, higher cost-efficiency, ability to scale, according to dynamic business requirements, lower latency, compliance, with regulatory requirements and ultimately better customer satisfaction.
  •  Banking-Non Banking : Database for Fintech, Migrate to Cloud, Backup and Achieve, End to End Enterprise Security Capital Market : Application Security, Data Security, Platform Security, AI Service for Chatbots

Industry-focused Solution : Media Services

  • Video Live : Live streaming platform for Audio&video, High-definition,

Uinterrupted live, Low latency, High concurrency

  • Video VOD : VDO on Demand, Support video collection

(Editing, Uploading, Media management, Automatic Transcoding,

Video review& Analytic, Video delivery

  • Video Media Processing : Suitable format for PCs, TVs, and Mobile Interface
  • Content Delivery Network : CDN, Support an accelerated global distribution

of content, resolves the delivery latency problem

(Bandwidth, Server performance,..)

Industry-focused Solution : Gaming  Services

gaming security : DDos attacks to protect Bank Account, address,…Accelerated
Content Delivery : CDN responses to user request and delivery textures,
UIs, Sounds, Graphics and Special Effects,.. 
GameTool Platform : For SMEs, Container Service is scale VMs to service on demand. ContentAnalysis and Personalization : Big Data Analytics to develop business  andimprove the user experience, Data warehouse, Data Lake Analytics